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Thapar Ke Raste

March 03, 2018   |   3 Minute Read

I have this strange desire of being around less and less people. A group doesn’t suit me. I prefer solitude and some me-time. This desire doesn’t stem from the fact that I am doing something substantial in life. It’s far away from it. Just alone. I am not an artsy person who would make able use of the time. Just shy of being a introvert when it comes to communication.

Thapar has got a large population. Increasing every year. It’s face is changing at too fast a rate to warrant a breather. From COS to G Block to Jaggi. A little, quiet place of your own is rarity in this campus. The ones that are left are clandestinely occupied. Single junta like me who are cash strapped, Motorola owners, dangerously average are confined to their rooms. At least I am. So whenever, the oppurtunity presents itself of taking a leisurely walk in the campus, I take it at the first go. That’s why I may be pestering folks around me to go home. A selfish agenda? Sure it is. This time it is the Reading Week. A period which sneakily presents a much needed breather to all. Students from increasingly sleep inducing lectures and the professors from tolerating the increasing dumbness of the class with each passing year.

Holi was on 2nd March. The exams will be from 12th. So one complete week of less interaction. One whole week of having this whole campus for the few. One week of peace.

I took a walk this evening and clicked some photos sans Spotify sans Whatsapp. My Motorola is the not the best out there but it does it’s job. Honestly, I don’t know till when these places will be like this. New buildings, hostels, facilities, more lights. Amongst all this new, Thapar may be losing it’s touch with itself. A year ago, there wasn’t so much of light pollution which the adminstration has introduced to supposedly curb some je t’aime mon amour acts. So this is a small effort to preserve the present for the people of tomorrow. The people will come and go but the roads will not.

All images are edited with Snapseed and scaled down to width 880px for the blog.

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